A pilot Study of effectiveness of Homoeopathic Treatment In Management of Alcoholism
Dr.Binimol BHMS
Under the Guidance of
Conducted At ATMTHA KENDRAM, Chabganacherry, Kottayam District, Kerala, S.INDIA
Alcohol dependence syndromea neurological disorder is one of the major health/social/economic problem in Kerala. Alcoholism is a “dual disease” since it includes both mental and physical components.Long-term alcohol abuse produces changes in the brain’s structure and chemistry such as tolerance and physical dependence. These changes maintain the person with alcoholism’s compulsive inability to stop drinking and result in alcohol withdrawal syndrome if the person stops. Alcohol damages almost every organ in the body, including the brain. The cumulative toxic effects of chronic alcohol abuse can cause both medical and psychiatric problems. So it is a health issue rather than a social issue for any physician of any system of therapeutics. Homoeopathy put this disease under the most virulent and destructive miasmatic disorder, Syphilitic Miasm.
1. To test whether the employment of Homoeopathic medicine according to the theory of individualization is effective in the management of Alcoholism.
2. To test whether the application of software repertorization in clinical practice is beneficial in the management Alcoholism.
3. To classify Alcoholic dependency syndrome miasmatically and thus to suggest Homoeopathic prognosis for the same.
4. To identify A most effective medicine with potency and dosage to manage 80% of cases of Alcoholism.
5. To prove the scientificity of Homoeopathy by a study in the treatment of ‘so called’ Social curse.
6. To provide safe treatment for withdrawal symptoms and diseases arising out of alcoholism.
7. To cut short the side effects of treatment for alcoholism
8. To cut short the cost of medicines in treatment of alcoholism
9. To show provide an effective treatment for Alcoholic addicts without consent of patient.
The study was conducted in the AthmathaKeendramChanganacherry with the support of The Homoeopathic Multi Specialty Referral Hospital & Research Center, Changanacherry – 1, Kottayam (Dist.) Kerala.
Patients belonging to different socio economic and age groups were selected for the purpose. Patients who have been suffering fromalcoholism within last 2 years or more duration were selected for this study. Bystanders of unwilling patients are also entrusted to join in the project. Patients and bystanders visited us in a weekly basis on every Friday at Atmatha Kendram.
Detailed histories of addiction & illnesses were elicited from all the patients/bystanders according to the Homoeopathic method of case taking. Abdominal palpation and conducted to elicit clinical signs of hepatomegaly& cirrhosis of liver. Patients were sent for ultra sound scanning to detect the Hepatomegaly and cirrhotic changes as and when required.
74 patients were included in the study, Medicine were selected and administered in accordance with the Homoeopathic principles.
Each case reviewed every week for clinical evaluation. Each case followed up for 6 months.
Male & Female RATIO
Male | 74 |
Female | 0 |
100% alcoholic addicts in this studies are male patients
socio economic Status
Low socio- economic |
52 |
Lower middle class |
21 |
Upper middle class |
1 |
This study reveals that70.27% of alcoholics are from Low Socio Economic Status and28.37 % are from low Middle class and0.013% from Upper middle class.
Age wise Distribution
Between Age 10 – 20 | 0 |
Between Age 20 – 30 | 4 |
Between Age 30 – 40 | 23 |
Between Age 40 – 50 | 24 |
Between Age 50 – 60 | 14 |
Between Age 60 – 70 | 8 |
Above age 70 | 1 |
This pilot study reveal the fact that 0% alcoholics Between Age 10 – 20,5.4% of alcoholics are Between Age 20 – 30,31.08% of alcoholics are Between Age 30 – 40,32.43% of alcoholics are Between Age 40 – 50,18.91% of alcoholics are Between Age 50 – 60,10.81% of alcoholics are Between Age 60 – 70, 1.35% of alcoholics are Above age 70.
Family History of alcoholism
Family History of Alcoholism |
51 |
No family History of Alcoholism |
23 |
This Study relieved that 70% Alcoholism are hereditary
Awareness of patients as a disease
With the consent of patient | 13 |
Without informing patient | 61 |
This study ravelled that 82.43% of alcoholics are not willing to accept it as a disease and they hesitate to take treatment and 17.56% patients recognizes that it is a disease and they are ready for treatment.
Associated Disease
Alcoholism Associated with liver Diseases | 1 |
Alcoholism associated with Gastric Disorder | 9 |
Alcoholism Associated with Neurological Disorders | 20 |
Alcoholism Associated with Psychiatric Disorders | 8 |
Alcoholism Associated with Behavioural Abnormalities | 29 |
Alcoholism Associated with Drug Dependency | 5 |
Alcoholism Associated with Tobacco Addiction | 24 |
Alcoholism Associated with Anti-Social Activities | 0 |
This study revealed that 0.01% Alcoholics are suffering from other diseases too.1.04% of patients are suffering from Alcoholism Associated with liver Diseases9.37% of patients are suffering from Alcoholism associated with Gastric Disorder. 20.83% of patents are suffering from Alcoholism Associated with Neurological Disorders,8.33 % of patients are suffering from Alcoholism Associated with Psychiatric Disorders, 30.2% of patents are suffering from Alcoholism Associated with Behavioural Abnormalities, 5.20% of patients are suffering from Alcoholism Associated with Drug Dependency,25% of patients are suffering from Alcoholism Associated with Tobacco Addiction, 0.01% of patients are suffering from Alcoholism Associated with Anti-Social Activities.
Frequency of Consumption
Frequency of consumption | |
24 hours of day | 19 |
Daily Morning and Evening | 29 |
Whenever get an opportunity | 3 |
Daily Evening or Daily once | 23 |
Alternate Day | |
Once in every 3 days | |
Once in 4 days | |
Once in 5 days | |
Once in a week | |
Social Drinking |
This Study Revealed that 25.67% of patients has been consuming alcohol 24 hours of day,39.18% of patients has been consuming alcohol Daily Morning and Evening,4.05% of patients has been consuming alcohol Whenever get an opportunity,31.08% of patients has been consuming alcohol Daily Evening or Daily once.
Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicines
Medicines Given/potency | No of patients/times | Dosage |
Nux Vom 1M | 71 | |
Stramonium 200 | 14 | |
QuracusSpiritus Q | 10 | |
Syphilinum 10M | 5 | |
Opium 1M | 1 | |
Medo 10M | 1 | |
Heparsuph 200 | 1 | |
Merc Sol 1M | 1 | |
Sepia 1M, 200 | 1 | |
Staphisagria 10M | 3 | |
ArsAlb 0/3 | 3 | |
Carcinocin 200 | 1 | |
Agaricus M 200 | 1 | |
Tuberculinum | 1 |
This study revelled that 67.5 % cases cured . Nux Vom 1M BD found effective in 70% Stramonium 200, Quracus Spiritus Q, Syphilinum 10M, Opium 1M, Medo 10M, Heparsuph 200, Merc Sol 1M, Sepia 1M, 200, Staphisagria 10M, ArsAlb 0/3, Carcinocin 200, Agaricus M 200,Tuberculinum are found effective in 2% each in individual cases (Total 26%) and Homoeopathic medicines produces no effect in 6.5 % of cases.
Result of Medicines given for Alcoholism
Result – I (Alcoholism) | |
Died During treatment | 1 |
Worsened | |
Referred to Modern Medicine | |
Referred to Ayurveda | |
Referred to Other System of treatment | |
Referred for counselling along with treatment | 1 |
Not relived and Discontinued | 7 |
Not relieved and Continuing | 10 |
Relieved and Discontinued (Abstained) | 6 |
Relieved and continuing | 44 |
Relieved but Started Drinking later | 5 |
Result of Medicines given for accompanying Diseases
Result – II | Relieved | Not relieved |
Liver Disease | ||
Parenchymal Liver Disease | 1 | |
Cirrhosis | ||
Toxic hepatitis | 1 | 1 |
Other liver diseases | 1 | |
GI | ||
Haemorrhoids | 5 | 2 |
APD | 1 | 2 |
GERD | 1 | |
Peptic ulcer | 1 | 1 |
Others | ||
Neurological | ||
V E | 1 | |
W S | 1 | |
Sleeplessness | 11 | |
Migraine | ||
Others | ||
Psychiatric | ||
Violence – Mania | 4 | 1 |
Schizophrenia | ||
Paranoia | ||
Unipolar MDP Depression | ||
Anxiety Neurosis | ||
Delusion Disorders | ||
OCN | ||
Other Diseases | ||
Allergic Rhinitis | 3 | |
Diabetes Mellitus | 1 | 5 |
Locomotor Disorders | ||
Bronchial Asthma | 2 | 2 |
Hypertension | 2 | |
Hyperlipidemia | 2 | |
Cancer | 1 | |
Oesophagialvarices | 1 | |
Noctu7rnal Enurisi | 1 | |
Vericose vein | 1 | 1 |
In this present study Alcoholism most commonly found in the age
groups of 30 – 50 years and the incidence most common in Middle when
comparing to the Upper and lower classes. Homoeopathic medicine found most effective in the treatment (67.5 %) is NUX VOMICA in 1M potency 2 doses daily morning and evening. Stramonium 200,Quracus Spiritus Q, Syphilinum 10M, Opium 1M,Medo 10M, Heparsuph 200, Merc Sol 1M, Sepia 1M, Staphisagria 10M, ArsAlb 0/3,Carcinocin 200,Agaricus M 200, Tuberculinum, are other remedies found effective in individual cases. .
The selection of potency was done considering the stage of alcoholism,
the intensity and frequency of the intake and the sensitivity of the individual patients. Thedose were repeated 2 doses per day as patient is having temptation to take alcohol 2wice a day in majority of cases. Many cases improved within 3 months and majority got relief by the sixth month. Permanent damage to the liver and other affected organs shall also be managed with medicines but proper investigation is necessary to avoid causalities.
This study reveals 3 major findings.
1. Alcoholism shall be treated without consent and knowledge of patient with Homoeopathic medicines..
2. Homoeopathic medicines shall offer 67.5% result in alcoholism within 180 days.
3. NUX VOMICA 1M twice a day is highly effective in management of alcoholism.
Dr.S.G.BIJU MD (Hom)
Dr.Binimol BHMS
The Homoeopathic Multi Specialty Hospital & Research Center, Changanacherry – 1, KERALA, S.INDIA.www.drbijuonline.com, drbijugnair@gmail.com, binimol.j@gmail.com, hmshospital@gmail.com.
Ph. 0481 – 2412233, 9447128799,