This hard-working 52-year-old business men consulted me 2 weeks back. He was suffering from the worst form of dyslipidemia since 2009. He was under Modern medicine for the last 6 years but his TGL never touched normal. His father died of MI who was also suffering from high TGL and was not yielding to Modern Medicine. So he was a little bit sad and depressed. His business kingdom stretches from Trivandrum to UAE. He himself made it happen because of his hard work and passion to reach at top. He is an emperor in his business fold. He even supplies parts of aircraft. Though he cannot prepare parts of aircraft he becomes a dealer of aircraft parts. It was his ambition to do the business of aircraft! Now he is dreaming about an aircraft company like Boing!! This highly ambitious man asked me questions one after another and I could understand that he didn’t need an answer from me.
He was asking like why My TGL has not come down even after years of treatment. Is it caused MI just as my father suffered? Why it is not coming down even after doing exercise and even after strict diet control? Which medicine you are giving for Cholesterol? Is there any specific medicine for TGL? How could I depend on Homoeopathy if a cardiac problem develops in the future? Likewise, he was asking questions one after another. I couldn’t get an opportunity to answer because I could get his medicine from this behavior.
He was advised for a blood test LP (a) to diagnose the familial tendency. A highly ambitious man who is really a self-maid man wants to become a business man of doing aircraft business and achieved it by his hard work still want to manufacture aircraft parts who is asking questions one after another is nothing but our GOLD. He was given Aur Met 1M only a single dose and BT for 2 weeks.
He reached exactly after 2 weeks with a normal TGL result, first time he got since 2009. As TGL came down he didn’t go for LP (a) thus I lost a chance of a precise diagnosis. It may be called as a self-limiting disease by modern medical men but the confidence on the victory over the system which can’t even manage a self-limiting disease is unlimited.